Sunday, 8 April 2012

Easter Egg Trail

This year the Easter Bunny left a general knowledge quiz (based on the Telegraph's 2010 Ultimate Summer Holiday Quiz) to help find chocolate goodies. I was very pleasantly surprised at how many both could answer straightaway. Obviously JK found it easier than Madi, but I was really impressed to see her fire up the PC and use keywords to find out the answers she didn't know- obviously the work we have done on research skills to support lapbooking and Homework Club has obviously paid off :)

My special moment though, was her answering "Elphaba!" to the question, 'Who discovered gravity?" ! That girl really does love her musical theatre ;D

Unfortunately, much of the chocolate was eaten before I had any chance to take photos!

These clues will not lead you directly to your treats, only tell you where to look. Answer the questions, and then put the highlighted letters together to find out where to look…

Happy Hunting!

The first place to look is the _ _ _ _ / _ _ _

Who had an encounter with the three bears? _ _ □_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Who was caught red-handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605? _ _ _ / _ _ _ _□_

What colour are emeralds? □_ _ _ _

Sheriff Woody Pride and Buzz Lightyear are major characters in which series of films? _ _ _ / _ _ □_ _

What is the name of the football stadium where England play home matches and the FA and Carling Cup Finals are also played? _ _ _□_ _ _

What is the line of latitude that runs around the centre of the world called? _ _ _ _ _ □_

How many wives did Henry VIII have? _ _ □

This second clue leads you to a _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _

Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver? _ _ _ _ _ □_ _ _

What did Spain send to attack Britain in 1588? _□_ _ _ _

From what tree do acorns come? _□_

What is the name of Shrek’s wife? □_ _ _ _

What kind of creature was defeated by the Three Billy Goats Gruff? □_ _ _ _

From what country does Lego come? □_ _ _ _ _ _

What title was given to the rulers of Ancient Egypt? _ _ _□_ □_

What are films about Cowboys and Indians called? □□_ _ _ _ _ _

What is the capital city of Spain? _ _ _□ _ _

Third clue now, and you’ll be looking _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

What is the correct name for a ‘referee’ in cricket? □_ _ _ _ _

What is another name for the game ‘tic tac toe’? □_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _□ /_ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is the largest planet in our solar system? _ _ _ _ _□□

What is the name of the vehicle that Scooby Doo and his friends drive around in? □□□ / _ _ □_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _□□_

What is the name of the object struck in ice hockey? _ _ _□

This fourth clue leads you to where we keep the _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

Which famous Spanish artist painted Three Musicians in 1905? _ _ _ _ _ / □□_ _ _ _ _

Who is the deputy Prime Minister? _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ □□

What is the name of the character played by Karen Gillan in Doctor Who? _ _□ / _ _ _ _

Who was the Lady with the Lamp during the Crimean War? □_ □_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Which resident of Jellystone park is “smarter than the average bear”? _ □_ _

Which leaves can be used to relieve the pain from stinging nettles? □_ _ _

This fifth clue leads you to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Which Scottish loch is reputed to contain a monster? □_ _ _

What is an eight sided shape called? □_□_ _ _ _

Which breakfast cereal is advertised with the slogan “snap, crackle and pop”? _□□□ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Who took elephants across the Alps? _ _ _ _ _□_ _

With which Queen is the phrase “We are not amused” associated? _ _ _ _□_ _ □

What colour are the benches in the House of Lords? □_□

On to the sixth clue- your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

How do you write 100 in Roman numerals?

Which stringed instrument is bigger than a violin but smaller than a cello? _ _ _□□

Which tv presenter hosts Wipe Out and Blast Lab? □□_ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ □_

Which film and musical are about a miner’s son who wishes to become a ballet dancer? _ _ _ _ _ / □_ _ _ _ _ □

This seventh clue leads you to a _ _ _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What sort of animal is Basil Brush? □_ _

What material was used to make a famous bridge in Shropshire in 1779, a town now being named after it? □_ _ _

What are the young of frogs and toads called? _ _ _ _ _□_ _

What is the sixth colour of the rainbow? □□_ _ _ _

What is the name of the Australian throwing stick that can return to its thrower? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _□

In which U.S. State would you find Hollywood and Los Angeles? □□_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is a shortened form of William or what you have to pay after a meal? □□_ _

Who discovered gravity? _ _ _ _ _ / □□_ □ _ _

Eighth clue already? You’re doing really well, and this one should be easy to find in the _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _

Who has a dog called Snowy and is friends with Captain Haddock? _ _ _ □_ _

Sculptures of which animal lie at the base of Nelson’s Column? _ _□_ _

What has the scientific formula H2O? □_ _ _ _

What notable event affected London in 1666? _ _ _ □

Who painted the Mona Lisa? □_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / □_ / _ _ _ _ _

Which desert covers much of Northern Africa? _ _ _ _□□

Who wrote Little Darlings? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / □_ _ _ _ _

Which is the largest of the Channel Islands? _ □□_ _ _

Nearly finished, time to peep behind the _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What colour is naranja? □_ _ _ _ _

What is the name of Manchester United’s home ground? _ _ _ / _ _ _□□_ _ _

Which chess piece can only move diagonally? _ □ _ _ _ _

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what is Charlie’s surname? _ _□ _ □_

“Feline” means relating to which animal? □_ _

Which children’s tv programme shares its name with a Naval flag? _ _ □ _ / _ _ _ _□

What is Bayeux famous for? □□ _ _ _ _ _ _

Which people travelled in longships and raided Britain in early medieval times? _□ _ _ □ _□

Final clue- look _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

What does ‘ursa’ mean in the constellation names Ursa Major and Ursa Minor? □□ _ _

What came over the hill and blew ‘Whoo Whoo’? _ □ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _□□

How do you write SOS in Morse Code? □_ _/_ _□/_ _ _/_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ □ /_ _ _ /_ _ _/_ _ _

What children’s TV series is set in Pontypandy? _ _ _□ _ _ _ / □_ _

Which tree has a variety called ‘weeping’? _ _ _ _□_

What is the latin name for the smaller lower leg bone? □ _ _ _ _□

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