Monday, 28 February 2011

Sports Leadership

JK spent 3 long days of his school half-term holiday at Southwell Leisure Centre, working towards a Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership. He was the youngest student there, as the minimum age requirement is 13, and he knew he was missing out on much of the fun at Hardwick Hall, so I feel extra proud of his effort and achievement.

Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership

Unit 1 - Plan, lead and review a sport/activity
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Take part in the planning of a sport/activity.

1.1 Explain what information will be needed in order to plan a sport/activity.

1.2 Explain where to find information and how to use this knowledge to plan a sport/activity.

1.3 Describe the structure of a sport/activity session.

1.4 Describe how the sport/activity will change with the age/ability of the participants.

1.5 Assist in the planning of a sport/activity session.

Learning Outcome 2: Take part in the leading of a sport/activity.

2.1 Assist in the leading of a sport/activity.

Learning Outcome 3: Understand how to communicate with participant/s.

3.1 Describe different elements of communication.

Learning Outcome 4: Use verbal and non-verbal communication when leading others.

4.1 Use verbal communication skills when leading a sport/activity.

4.2 Use non-verbal communication skills when leading a sport/activity.

Learning Outcome 5: Take part in the review of a sport/activity session.

5.1 Explain what went well and what did not go so well.

5.2 Agree what could be improved for future activities.

Unit 2 - Developing leadership skills
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Know the skills, qualities and values that a leader will need.

1.1 Identify the skills, qualities and values that an effective leader will need.

Learning Outcome 2: Motivate participants.

2.1 Identify a range of ways to motivate others.

2.2 Apply a range of motivation methods to motivate others.

Learning Outcome 3: Manage participant behaviour.

3.1 Identify types of behaviour which are and are not acceptable as:

  • A leader
  • A participant

3.2 Set ground rules for acceptable behaviour when leading others.

3.3 Know how to manage basic disruptions when leading others.

Unit 3 - Lead activities that promote a healthy lifestyle
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Identify the factors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

1.1 Describe how the following factors may affect a person's health and fitness:

  • Exercise
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Diet
  • Age
  • Environment

Learning Outcome 2: Plan, lead and review a session designed to increase a participant's heart rate through physical activity.

2.1 Plan an activity session which is designed to increase participants' heart rate.

2.2 Lead an activity session which is designed to increase participants' heart rate.

2.3 Review the activity session and explain what went well and what did not go so well.

2.4 Agree what could be improved for future sessions.

Unit 4 - Fair play in sport
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Understand what is meant by 'fair play'.

1.1 Define 'fair play' and outline its importance in sport and recreational activity.

Learning Outcome 2: Apply the concept of 'fair play'.

2.1 Apply the concept of 'fair play' as a leader.

2.2 Promote 'fair play' between participants.

Unit 5 - The role of the official
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the roles and responsibilities of officials.

1.1 Identify the roles and responsibilities of the following officials:

  • Coach
  • Referee/Umpire
  • Scorer
  • Timekeeper

Learning Outcome 2: Understand the rules and regulations of a specific sport/activity.

2.1 Describe the rules and regulations of a specific sport/activity.

Learning Outcome 3: Act as an official.

3.1 Carry out the responsibilities associated with the role of the official.

3.2 Make decisions based on knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations of a specific sport/activity and communicate these decisions to the participants/other officials.

Unit 6 - Opportunities in sport and recreation
On completion of this unit the candidate must demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the provision of sport and recreation activities in the local community.

1.1 Identify the places in the local area where it is possible to take part in sport and physical activity.

1.2 Identify the courses that are run in the local area which may complement or follow on from this qualification.

1.3 State how a leader may use this information to further their involvement in sport or recreation.

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