Thursday, 13 January 2011

from the sublime to the ridiculous!

After several weeks of being home most of the time due to snow and Christmas holidays, JK at least has had a very busy weekend. He returned to school on Thursday when he found out that he will be making his options this year rather than next as expected so that he can help the school meet the government's latest performance targets. He had a singing lesson in the evening and is now preparing for his Rockschool Grade 2 Vocals exam, as well as ABRSM Grade 1 Saxophone. Straight from school on Friday evening he went off to Ollerton for the postponed Scouts' Christmas Sleepover, although it appears less than three hours sleep actually took place before it was over! A quick shower at a friend's then on to auditions for West Side Story, and then to an ice hockey match against Nottingham at the NIC. Sting were victorious 8-3 and despite the lack of sleep JK scored 5 goals and 1 assist (the pass that resulted in a goal being scored).

Madi meanwhile, had her first archery session of the new year, and returned to gymnastics now that the centre has found a new coach. Sadly there is no longer any trampolining, but it may be possible to try out some freestyle/street dancing instead. She didn't manage to see the end of JK's ice hockey match as she went to a joint 10th Birthday Disco for Pheobe and Abygail in Beeston.

And we were back in Beeston less than 12 hours later for field hockey training! JK also went on to Oakham for a match, and another win! Madi was supposed to be returning to Sunday Club, but unfortunately it was cancelled due to illness, so we checked out the BBC iPlayer together and really enjoyed the first two episodes of Richmal Crompton's 'Just William', starring Daniel Roche from our household favourite tv show 'Outnumbered'. This also reminded me of a fantastic HE group session at Abbey Pumping Station about 1950s holidays (thank you Sharan!) and how even recent history is still very much history for Madi.

Straight after school on Monday JK attended the second meeting of Sutton Sting's Youth Involvement Panel. Club founder Gary Apsley wrote:

" As the Club gets ready for it’s fifth season we still aim:

• to give youth a voice in club affairs
• to stimulate young people to take up leadership roles in the club and ice hockey
• to think out of the box
• to be open-minded generally and on issues affecting the club.

A secondary aim for the club is to foster the growth of young people becoming involved in Ice Hockey long term either as coaches, officials or administrators. This can be done by giving young players the opportunity to develop as coaches, officials, leaders, administrators and event organisers whilst still being members of the club.

Through the Sting Youth Involvement Panel the club can benefit from having members who are active, enthusiastic and have a passion for ice hockey. Membership of the YIP is open to any member under the age of 18 years. If you share the same passion for ice hockey and want to become involved contact your team manager."

Although it is early days, I think the representatives from each team are going to be much more 'involved' than he realised, and are already organising their own meetings, with their own agenda!

The big excitement of the day though was Madi's return to RYSC. She has been looking forward to this since the performance in December, and it didn't disappoint- she just can't wait to be directing the scene she has written and has so many ideas I can't imagine how it will turn out!

And then, just as we were getting back in to the (very quick) swing of things, JK's 'options' booklet came home. From my first reading they are expecting him to take 14 GCSE/GCSE equivalents, and all are to be examined at the end of year 11.

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